[risk accessment]
[Training guide]
[Manual Handling]
[Fire risk assessment]
[contract details]

DONT TAKE ANYTHING IN THIS WEBSITE TO HEART except health and safety IT is meant for new employees and to comply with the law thats whre we have problems, we havent had any problems with longstanding employees in the past everyone sorts thing out between  themselves

Dont get a piggy on it has to be done for the law

Fire exit areas must be kept clear of stock and tripping hazards for emergency use

Heaters must be kept clear of combustible material including fluff

Brush up or vac daily around Risk Areas

Fire extinguishers must not be hidden by stock

sales area if portable heaters are used a suitable power point should be used and it should be situated away from falling paperwork

Read Training guide

risk accessment

Risk assessments have been carried out for years and as time passes no new risks have been found as there has been no changes to procedures or alterations to buildings there are only 4 employees at moment, A risk assessment has been updated see diary and found that all requirements for a safe workplace are already covered in our training guide and to make sure we keep on top of things each year we give staff a checklist and room for comments see Diary see Home

[Home] [Checklist] [risk accessment] [Training guide] [diary] [Manual Handling] [Fire risk assessment] [HOLIDAYS] [contract details]